Typeface Pairings – Web Fonts

Web Fonts

01. GEORGIA & VERDANA – Classic combination which will always please. 

02. HELVETICA (BOLD)GARAMOND – Another classic combination that will never fail. Helvetica is clean and neutral, making it a perfect match with Garmond, which is one of the most readable printed typefaces around

03. BODONI & FUTURA – The geometric structure of Bodoni and blend of thick and thin strokes makes it lovely font to look at. Put alongside Futura, it becomes a true beauty to view, which is why it’s commonly used in fashion magazines. 

04. FRANKLIN GOTHIC & BASKERVILLE – Baskerville is an old-style typeface created in 1757 which, when combined with the sans-serif 19th century typeface in Franklin Gothic, makes the design look sophisticated. Condensed versions of Franklin Gothic will give a really attention grabbing headline. 

05. CASLON (BOLD) & UNIVERS – Caslon is a robust Serif typeface, which gets its character from the short ascenders and descenders  and moderate stroke. It works well with the neutral Univers, a neo-grotesque sans-serif typeface. Changing between the condensed weights can really enhance the display font. 



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